Demand Driven World

Platinum Sponsors

mEET OUR Platinum Sponsors

"Demand Driven Technologies is a true pioneer in this space. They were instrumental in defining what became Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)."
Carol Ptak, Co-Founder DDI
Demand Driven Technologies was the pioneer in Demand Driven software applications and continues its markets leadership with hundreds of installs around the world. With deep Demand Driven solutions in the DDMRP space as well as Demand Driven Scheduling and Execution tools Demand Driven Technologies can make the Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) a reality in your business.

PwC is a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 250,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in advisory, assurance and tax services. A recognized, global leader in Operations consulting, PwC is a Global Affiliate of DDI and can bring a holistic approach to DDMRP, DDOM and DDAE implementation everywhere your operations are located. PwC’s services are offered on a global level and clearly express the quality on which our profound knowledge of the various market sectors and the use of advanced technology is based.
Website (Eng):
Website (Italian):

"This global consulting powerhouse has made a serious commitment to bringing Demand Driven to the mainstream. Based on what I have seen so far - they are making it happen."
Chad Smith, Co-Founder DDI
B2Wise is a pure DDMRP software, consulting and training company with offices in the USA, UK, France and South Africa. The B2Wise management team include both methodology and software experts with over 20 years’ experience. B2Wise’s vision is to enable its clients to turn their supply chain planning function into a competitive weapon using DDMRP. As education is key, B2Wise also owns the rights to DDBRIX, a Lego based management game that demonstrates how DDMRP stabilises production, reduces stress and enhances the flow of information and material. In 2018, B2Wise won the prestigious ‘King of Supply Chain’ award in France for a DDMRP project.

"B2Wise has understood from the beginning the change management and people side of what it takes to implement and sustain Demand Driven methods."
Chad Smith, Co-Founder DDI
About Demand Driven World™
The annual Demand Driven World™ Conference by the Demand Driven Institute (DDI) is the leading Demand Driven event in the world. Featuring thought leaders from around the globe participants will hear the results, latest research and cutting edge ideas in the Demand Driven space. DDI's emphasis on pragmatic education and "thoughtware" makes the event focused on moving people and organizations forward accounting for their unique circumstances and environments. With 30 available sessions, including eight case studies from industry leaders, Demand Driven World™ 2019 will be the largest Demand Driven World™ ever. Bring a team and learn how your organization can become a Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise.

Pre-Conference Sessions
Demand Driven World 2019 will feature unique Pre-Conference sessions designed for in-depth immersion into demand driven concepts.
APICS Train the Trainer (TTT) - October 8 & 9
The two-day interactive APICS Train The Trainer course prepares supply chain and operations management professionals to teach adult training and APICS instructor development courses. This APICS course provides 8 lesson plans for instructors with a successful and workable methodology that can be applied to teaching any subject.
This interactive two-day training includes these topics:
The training process
Learning objectives and lesson plans
Effective media selection and use
Learning styles, communication and motivation
Dealing with learner challenges
Training evaluation
Workshop participants also design and deliver practice presentations and receive feedback.
Download more information on this session
€600.00 per person.
A Demand Driven S&OP Experience by TFC (A Serious Game) - October 8
This one-day unique Demand Driven S&OP Experience workshop will allow you and your team to experience and test implementing DDMRP buffers in a simulated environment powered by The Fresh Connection (TFC). The workshop discusses the broad concepts of the Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) buffer methodology, practices decision-making and participants experience the positive impact of buffer implementation in a risk-free environment. The workshop then follows an S&OP process to discover how implementing buffers in a budget constrained environment, typical of the real-world, can still deliver high service level expectations. This, while systematically reducing inventory investment AND achieving an expected Return on Investment. The experience provides a platform for organizational change management, builds confidence for your DDMRP implementation project and is relevant for leadership and/or operational staff. This workshop is co-branded and fully endorsed by the Demand Driven Institute. Learn more about this experience. €600.00 per person.

DDBrix - A Leading Management Game to Discover and Deploy DDMRP - October 9
Play with Lego to see first-hand how DDMRP buffers optimize the flow of both materials and information. Observe how demand-driven planning and execution will increase order fulfillment, stabilize production, reduce working capital and alleviate stress. Involve people from Finance, Marketing, Sales, Production, Planning and Quality to start breaking down silos, promoting teamwork and getting everyone in the company thinking about FLOW and DDMRP. Refresh your existing knowledge of DDMRP while playing and having fun! Download the DDBrix brochure. €300.00 per person.

Adaptive S&OP
This immersive one day workshop led by Dick Ling and Carol Ptak will expose senior leadership to:
The basic history of S&OP and its primary objectives
The prerequisites of relevant information in order to put a company on a path of growth
The inability and failure of conventional approaches to produce relevant information
An organizational framework called the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise Model
The seven elements of Adaptive S&OP
How to begin to implement the DDAE Model
This seminar is designed for executive teams looking to dramatically change the trajectory of their organization and overhaul the way the business connects strategy to operations and operations to strategy. €800.00 per person.
Dick Ling - "The Father of S&OP"
Kicking off Demand Driven World 2019 will be internationally recognized Sales and Operations Planning legend Dick Ling. Dick is widely recognized as the creator of Sales and Operations Planning and internationally regarded as an educator, speaker and consultant. He coauthored the first book on Sales and Operations Planning. Dick has recently come out of retirement to team with the Demand Driven Institute in developing the strategic component of the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise model. Hear Dick present on Adaptive Sales and Operations, one of the three primary components of the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) Model.

Case Studies
Demand Driven World 2019 will feature case studies from well known companies implementing Demand Driven methods. All case studies will be done in general session.
Thibaut d'Herouville, VP Group Industrial Supply Chain, will share Michelin's DDMRP implementation results to date across a number of facilities.

Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA)
CCBA is the seventh largest Coca-Cola bottling partner in the world. As the first major corporation in Africa to take Demand Driven Materials Requirement Planning (DDMRP) beyond the borders of South Africa the team responsible will share their journey and the learning gleaned from the experience. The rationale behind the adoption of the DDMRP philosophy and the process of gathering information and knowledge on the subject to the initial trial of the model and the ultimate roll-out of the Demand Driven Operating Model into the various countries in South and East Africa will also be shared. Barry Anderson, Demand and Supply Planning Specialist, Coca-Cola Beverages Africa.

MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics: Could DDMRP be a Game-Changer in Supply Chain Planning?
Research lead Leo Ducrot will present the results of an extensive study on DDMRP from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.). The project investigated how Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) operates in a capacity constrained environment. Using qualitative and quantitative analysis, the study proves that DDMRP increases service levels and reduces both inventory levels and customer order lead times.

9Wood is the only company in the U.S. that exclusively fabricates custom wood ceilings. Their award winning projects can be seen in many of the most iconic and luxury venues throughout North America. Learn how this engineer to order company has embraced a full Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) to completely change the game and win big in this difficult project environment. Craig Jolly, Operations Manager will present.

IVAR produces innovative items for heating systems and bathroom fixtures, completely made in vertically integrated production sites in the province of Brescia, Italy. With 12 branches around the world they are a global player in their industry. With over 30,000 SKU, up to ten layers in the BOM, and 2,500+ buffer positions their environment is full of complexity. Paolo Bertolotti, CEO and COO, and Daniele Serlini, IVAR Planning Department will tell their DDMRP story.

Protea Chemicals
Omnia’s Chemical division, operating under the Protea Chemicals brand, has a wealth of experience and a reputation for excellence in the distribution of specialty, functional effect chemicals and polymers in sub-Saharan Africa. Ruben Lawrenz, Planning Manager will present on the tremendous effect of DDMRP on the company’s ability to support that reputation.

This leading Colombian company manufactures and distributes flat and galvanized steel materials primarily for construction and industrial applications. ACESCO’s demand driven operating model reinforces its ongoing 50 year commitment to and focus on its costumers helping it to maintain desired levels of operational excellence for business sustainability in the complex and extremely uncertain global steel landscape. Acesco, the trust that unites us. Edgar Polanco Ordoñez, Director Supply Chain of Acesco, will present.

Mann & Hummel
As a global leader and expert in the field of filtration MANN+HUMMEL develops innovative solutions for the health and mobility of people. Georg Scherm, Project Manager Logistics and Bruno Meinhardt, Manager Logistics, SCM and PO will share their Demand Driven experience to date with the first pilot installation.

Breakout Sessions
Demand Driven World 2019 will feature five categories of breakout sessions across five total breakout flights.
dEMAND DRIVEN Operations (tHE Demand Driven operating Model)
These sessions will be focused on the various aspects of the Demand Driven Operating Model and the management of the operational relevant range. Learn more about the Demand Driven Operating Model at the DDI website.
Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning
Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning is a formal multi-echelon planning and execution method to protect and promote the flow of relevant information through the establishment and management of strategically placed decoupling point stock buffers. DDMRP combines some of the still relevant aspects of Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) with the pull and visibility emphases found in Lean and the Theory of Constraints and the variability reduction emphasis of Six Sigma. These elements are successfully blended through key points of innovation in the DDMRP method. DDMRP is the supply order generation and management engine of a Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM). DDMRP can best be summarized as position, protect and pull. Ivan Lavatelli, Operations Leader at PwC Italy and Global Lead of PwC’s DDMRP practice will present.
Demand Driven Scheduling and Execution
Join Bernard Milian, Demand Driven Adaptive Consultant at Agilea for an exploration of a crucial aspect of the Demand Driven Operating Model. Participants will discover the full DDOM beyond DDMRP and learn about control points, their placement and scheduling as well as managing time and capacity buffers.
DDMRP – Fast Track to Benefits
Kevin Boake and Laurent Vigouroux from B2Wise will show how they have taken over 40 global companies from demand driven theory to bottom-line results in record time.
Demand Driven MRP and Demand Driven Rhythm Wheel Scheduling
Based on several implementations in the consumer products segment DDMRP and Demand Driven Rhythm Wheel Scheduling seem to be a match made in heaven. Christian Kroschl, Partner at Camelot Management Consultants, will share the details behind this dynamic buffer sizing approach that regulates itself based on customer demand variability and constrained supply variability.
Demand Driven MRP for Retail Environments
David Poveda, Founder of Flowing Consultoria and DDI Master Instructor will share his thought leadership and experience in applying DDMRP to the retail space.
dEMAND dRIVEN Tactics (Demand Driven S&OP)
These sessions will be focused on the various aspects of tactical reconciliation in Demand Driven S&OP and the management of the tactical relevant range. Learn more about the Demand Driven Sales & Operations Planning at the DDI website.
Demand Driven Sales & Operations Planning (DDS&OP)
Demand Driven Sales & Operations Planning is one of the three major components of the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) Model. Christoph Lenhartz, will share the six basic attributes of Demand Driven S&OP.
Lessons Learned from a Large Multinational Deployment
Embracing a Demand Driven strategy requires a fundamental shift for most organizations. Multinational companies have a particularly large challenge with regard to change management and implementation momentum. Nick Lynch, formerly of Shell Lubricants will share his insights and experiences from one of the largest global Demand Driven implementations to date.
DDMRP for Different Manufacturing Configurations
Manufacturing environments can be very diverse and that diversity has implications on modeling and operating DDMRP. Manuel Castro, Managing Director of CMG Consultores, will share his extensive experience implementing DDMRP and the Demand Driven Operating Model across a wide array of industries and manufacturing scenarios.
Demand Driven S&OP Voting Session - A TFC Serious Game (2 hour session)
This unique two hour session will give you a chance to taste a sample of the 1 day DDS&OP Experience workshop. Here participants play the role of VPs of purchasing, sales, operations and supply chain to experiment how to quickly stop the clash bleed of a company in difficulty, thanks to DDMRP Stock buffers. During this interactive session, you will understand how DDS&OP enables you to implement two different strategies by adjusting the parameters of a DDOM to align realistic operations and increase service level and ROI at the same time.
Sifting Relevant Demand Driven Information from the Data Ocean
A critical principle in the Demand Driven methodologies is the use of relevant information within relevant ranges. By focusing on what is relevant we simplify the task of unlocking the substantial improvements that can be achieved in our supply chain performance through Demand Driven tactics and technology. Harvested from implementations over the past eight years, this presentation will provide the audience with insights into determining what is relevant to their demand driven implementation. Erik Bush, CEO of Demand Driven Technologies, will present.
Demand Driven Strategy (tHE sTRATEGIC rELEVANT RANGE)
These sessions will be focused on the strategic aspects and foundational principles of the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise. Learn more about Adaptive Sales & Operations Planning at the DDI website.
The Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise
Join thought leader Carol Ptak on an exploration of the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) model. The Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) model is a management model enabling enterprises to sense market changes, adapt to complex and volatile environments, and develop market driven innovation strategies. It combines the fundamental principles of flow management with the emerging new science of complex adaptive systems (CAS). The DDAE model spans the operational, tactical, and strategic ranges of an organization through its three primary components: a Demand Driven Operating Model, Demand Driven Sales & Operations Planning, and Adaptive Sales & Operations Planning. The model utilizes tactical and adaptive cycles to continuously adapt to the complex, changing, and volatile supply chain circumstances in existence today.
Skills Buffers - Buffering Your Organization's Skill and Talent Base
Much has been written about stock, time and capacity buffers in the Demand Driven methodology, but what about the people and skills that it takes to maintain and sustain a Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise? Thought leader and author Caroline Mondon will present a continuous learning path that makes change visible and valuable for your organization’s most important assets; its human capital. A very successful implementation of the different buffers in INGELEC a Moroccan company of 1100 employees in 5 sites will illustrate how buffering your organization'skills enable a robust change management process toward a Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise.
Getting Your Company Ready for Adaptive S&OP
Adaptive S&OP is one of three major components of the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) Model. Learn about the eight starting assumptions of Adaptive S&OP and which assumptions companies often need the most help with. Debra Smith, Managing Partner of Constraints Management Group will present.
Demystifying the Link Between Flow and Cost
One of the most difficult things in a journey is often taking the first step. Embracing the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) Model is no different. That first step requires a fundamental shift away from cost-based decision making to flow-based decision making. What is the difference? Should companies be concerned about what will happen to cost under the Demand Driven approach? Frederic Gaurier from Trencadis will show your company exactly what to expect with cost when a flow-based operational model is implemented.
The DDAE As A Necessary Condition to Reap The Full Benefits Of Digitization
Jumping into a digital transformation initiative without understanding information relevance brings a very high risk of becoming better and faster at doing the wrong thing. Dr. Patrick Rigoni, Founding Partner at SmartChain International LLP will present.
Adaptive Demand Planning
Any good S&OP activity in the VUCA world is about understanding and planning scenarios, not about delivering one single and precisely wrong number. A Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise needs detailed forecasted demand information for critical SKUs and does not always require an aggregation using product families. This presentation will touch on how to choose these critical SKUs for detailed relevant information, how to aggregate forecasts when necessary and how to define and build the different scenarios for making strategic decisions. You will learn in this lecture some powerful insights about these topics in order to evolve your demand planning process for your S&OP model and becoming adaptive. Alfonso Navarro, DDI Master Instructor will present.
Regional updates
Hear from leading practitioners from selected regions on Demand Driven activities in their area. Each Regional Update will contain several short Case Studies!
An all-star panel that includes DDI Master Instructor David Poveda, DDI Master Instructor Bruno Acosta, DDI Master Instructor Alfonso Navarro and DDI Endorsed Instructor Alex Donoso, will present several exciting Demand Driven developments and Case Studies from throughout Latin America.
Eastern Europe
Sviatoslav Oliinyk, DDI Endorsed Instructor, will present several exciting Demand Driven developments and Case Studies from the Ukraine and Russia.
DDI Master Instructor Ken Titmuss will present on many exciting Demand Driven developments in Africa including multiple case studies throughout the continent.
Solution provider breakout
Demand Driven World 2019 will feature a solution provider breakout track in which solution providers have an opportunity to showcase what they can do for companies interested in implementing Demand Driven methods. This provides organizations an excellent way to quickly compare, contrast and find the right fit for their situation! Companies participating in the solution provider tract include:
Demand Driven Technologies
Demand Driven Technologies was the pioneer in Demand Driven software applications and continues its markets leadership with hundreds of installs around the world. With deep Demand Driven solutions in the DDMRP space as well as Demand Driven Scheduling and Execution tools Demand Driven Technologies can make the Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) a reality in your business. Website:
PwC: DDMRP Implementation Package and Transition Case Build-up for C-suite
PwC's purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. PwC is a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 250,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in advisory, assurance and tax services. A recognized, global leader in Operations consulting, PwC is a Global Affiliate of DDI and can bring a holistic approach to DDMRP, DDOM and DDAE implementation everywhere your operations are located. PwC’s services are offered on a global level and clearly express the quality on which our profound knowledge of the various market sectors and the use of advanced technology is based. PwC also has a global alliance with the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM), as the provider of SCORMark supply chain benchmarking services for APICS members, a sponsor of ASCM research and events, and part of the ASCM Digital SCOR Taskforce.
Website (Eng):
Website (Italian):
The Demand Driven Institute
With affiliates, compliant software alliances and instructors throughout the world we are changing the way businesses plan, operate, think and evolve. DDI offer a variety of educational products designed to help companies explore, validate and implement demand driven methods. Additionally, we offer professional endorsement certificates that validate individual's capabilities with regard demand driven principles. Learn how your company can use these products and endorsements to drive a demand driven transformation. Carol Ptak will present.
B2Wise - The Four Key Innovations of B2Wise
B2Wise is a pure DDMRP software, consulting and training company with offices in the USA, UK, France and South Africa. The B2Wise management team include both methodology and software experts with over 20 years’ experience. B2Wise’s vision is to enable its clients to turn their supply chain planning function into a competitive weapon using DDMRP. As education is key, B2Wise also owns the rights to DDBRIX, a Lego based management game that demonstrates how DDMRP stabilises production, reduces stress and enhances the flow of information and material. In 2018, B2Wise won the prestigious ‘King of Supply Chain’ award in France for a DDMRP project.
Conference Schedule
Silver Sponsors


Conference Location
Demand Driven World 2019 will be held at the Radisson Blu Hotel Amsterdam Airport. Special conference room rates are available at the Radisson Blu and its sister hotel the Park Inn by Radisson.

Lodging - Special conference room rates are available at the Radisson Blu and its sister hotel the Park Inn by Radisson.
Book a room at the Radisson Blu:
Book a room at the Park Inn by Radisson:
Conference Registration
Individual Registration Fees:
Individual (1-2): 1,400 Euro per person
Team (3+ people): 1,100 Euro per person